How to Learn Martial Arts: 7 Training Tips to Keep in Mind

Would you like to join an elite team of more than 3.6 million Americans? Are you interested in improving your health, mastering self-discipline, and boosting your confidence?

If your answer is yes, it’s time to consider martial arts training. These are just a few of the many benefits of martial arts for kids and adults, and the truth is you’re never too young (or too old) to start.

Are you at the beginning of your martial arts journey? Are you wondering how to learn martial arts and experience these amazing benefits for yourself?

Keep reading for seven tips that will aid you in your martial arts training.

1. Choose the Right Martial Arts Lessons

Experts estimate that there are about 180 different types of martial arts, encompassing thousands of different techniques and fighting styles. Most martial arts originated in Asia and slowly spread across the world, evolving and gaining traction everywhere they went.

One of the most popular types of martial arts is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Stemming from ancient Judo techniques, BJJ focuses on grappling and submissions on the ground. It’s an ideal art for anyone who wants to hone their problem-solving skills, get in great shape, and have fun while doing it.

Of course, there’s no one-size-fits-all style that’s right for everybody. It all depends on your specific goals.

For example, are you a woman hoping to build self-defense skills? Are you a parent who wants their child to adopt a healthy lifestyle and gain valuable real-world skills in the meantime? Keep researching and learning about martial arts training to find the best classes for your needs.

2. Set Measurable Goals

Setting the goal of studying martial arts is a terrific start, but how will you stay motivated when things get tough?

The reason most people fail to reach their goals is they aren’t defined enough. The best goals are SMART goals, an acronym that stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Based

Let’s take these principles and apply them to how to learn martial arts.

For example, rather than saying you want to “get in good shape,” define what that means to you. Do you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks? Drop one dress size before Christmas? Be able to run a mile without getting winded?

Another common goal would be to enter a martial arts competition. A relevant, attainable goal for you depends on how long you’ve been studying and your current skill level. You could set the goal of entering a competition by the end of the year, for example, or when you master one specific technique.

3. Listen to Your Martial Arts Trainer

Whether you’re an expert or a novice, there’s no room for ego in martial arts. Leave it at the door when you arrive for your class and open your mind and heart to the instruction you’re about to receive.

Never be afraid to ask your instructor questions. Questions help you to improve your technique, prevent injury, and keep you (and everyone else) safe.

Carefully consider any feedback and constructive criticism you receive from your teacher. They know when to push you and when you need to respect your body’s limits, so always listen to their advice.

4. Prepare for Your Martial Arts Lessons

Like any physical endeavor, you’ll be more successful if you prepare for each training session. This includes:

  • Getting a good night’s sleep before and after each class
  • Arriving early for your class
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Taking time to regularly slow down and meditate
  • Adopting a good self-care routine
  • Practicing moderation in all things

Martial arts training isn’t just a series of techniques you practice in class — it’s an entire way of life. Hone your focus, patience, and discipline both inside and outside the classroom and you’ll be on your way to success.

5. Adopt a Positive Mindset

Some days your techniques will be flawless and you’ll be able to read your training partner like an open book. On other days you’ll be tired and fuzzyheaded, and it might feel like you can’t do anything right.

Martial arts training is a bit like riding a roller coaster. Those ups and downs are normal, and everyone has good days and bad days.

When it’s your turn for a bad day, shake it off, stay positive, and keep going. Tomorrow will be better.

6. Stay Physical Outside of Class

Martial arts training is a great way to get in shape and lose weight, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle. You’ll reach your goals and improve your techniques faster if you do some extra training and conditioning outside of class. 

Do other physical activities unrelated to your training, such as lifting weights, jogging, swimming, or another sport you enjoy. Don’t overlook the value of stretching, either, as good flexibility increases your power while reducing the chance of injury.

7. Work With Different People

There’s something to learn from everyone, whether they’re a seasoned instructor or a brand-new beginner. Everyone who enters your class has something to teach you, whether it’s a different style or technique or the need to develop your patience or critical-thinking abilities.

As often as possible, pair up with someone new. Work with partners who are well above and below your current skill level. This will sharpen and enhance your own skills as you’re forced to think outside the box and try new things.

How to Learn Martial Arts in New Jersey

The benefits of martial arts for kids (and adults) are almost endless. Martial arts training teaches discipline and respect, as well as boosting body awareness and self-confidence.

Before you can reap all of these benefits, though, you first have to know how to learn martial arts. Use the tips outlined above to help you stay focused and motivated in your journey!

Are you interested in learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or general self-defense techniques? Would you like your kids to receive specialized martial arts training?

Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your free intro class at our convenient Sewell or Williamstown locations.